Good morning Primary 1! It is now June and I can’t believe that we are now into the last month of the school year. You guys are nearly at the end of your very first year of primary school and will soon be in Primary 2!!! I hope you are all so excited about this and feel very proud of yourselves. I am certainly one proud teacher!
Here are your activities for this week. As always, if anyone would like to email me any photos or videos, I would be delighted… wlourladyoflourdes-ps@westlothian.org.uk
New P1 Weekly Home Learning Planner for Parents – Week 9
- 3D Shapes In Every Day Life
- Shape Hunt Activity Sheet
- Halving Ladybirds Worksheet
- P1 Active Spelling Grid
- P1 Writing Activities – 3
- 100 High Frequency Words Word Mat
- Minibeasts and the Garden Topic Planner
- Primary 1 Music activities
Here is the link to my story for this week…