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p5 Tasks 06 May 2020

– Read a chapter of a fiction book you enjoy and answer the following questions (you will also find this in assignments). We are learning to think about our opinions on a text we have read and answer questions in full sentences.

  1. What is the title of your book?
  2. Who is the author?
  3. What genre is the book?
  4. What are the main themes of the book?
  5. What do you like about this book/chapter?
  6. What could the author have done to make the story more interesting or funny?
  7. What is the book/chapter about? Write a summary that could be used on the back of the book as a blurb.


Maths – Equivalent fractions.  These are just like we did last week but I will give a reminder at the morning meeting. equivalent_fractions chain (2)

RE – With Ms Gavin at 2 o’clock

PE – Look at Miss McAlpine’s PE activities and choose one to do.  They are on the blog already but here they are again: Bingo Physical Activity (1)

Catch and Clap

Figure of 8 Challenge

Session 1 Basketball PDF.197453230

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