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p5 Tasks Tuesday 21/04/2020

Tasks for Tuesday 21 April 2020


  • Write sentences including at least 6 of your spelling words. Try to use the trickiest words and if you don’t know what they mean then look it up using a dictionary or the internet.
  • Write a story about what you did on your Easter holidays. This is technically a recount piece of writing so you should have an orientation, time words and explain how you felt.  You can also draw a picture to illustrate you story. I am learning to recount recent personal events including an orientation, sequence of events and personal comment.

Maths – Sumdog.  Before the holidays Mrs McAlpine set some challenges on sumdog.  Spend some time (30-40 minutes) on sumdog and smash that challenge!

Physical EducationJoe Wickes, Mrs McAlpine’s blog activities or just go outside and exercise or meditate in the lovely weather – let me know what you get up to! In school we usually spend 45 minutes on our PE.

French – Log on to

The username is ololps

The password is frsp20

RE – Fill in the blanks activity.  It will take a lot less time if you edit an online copy instead of copying the whole thing into your jotter!  You will need a bible.  You can use a real bible or use bible gateway here:

The Road to Emmaus – fill in blanks

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