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P1 Learning Planner For Parents - Wk 6

Good morning P1,

Here is the plan for this week. I hope you were all excited to find out about our new topic last week – Minibeasts in the Garden! Make sure you get yourselves out into the garden or out for a walk this week and make the most of the good weather when it’s here!

Remember, most of you now have access for Education City and Active Learn, so why not take a look at the activities I have added on for you all. I think you will love them!

As always, I am missing you all so much and can’t wait to see you all again soon. It was lovely to speak to lots of you on the phone last week. I am so proud of you all.

Take care,

Miss Hewit

P1 Weekly Home Learning Planner for Parents – Wk 6

Fri ‘th’ activity

Mon ‘th’ activity

Wed ‘th’ activity

Minibeasts and the Garden Topic Planner

Primary 1 Music activities

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