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P2 Weekly Learning Timetable for 11.5.2020

Good morning Primary 2,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Please find attached this weeks Learning.  I’ve also attached some learning resources for a new topic on ‘Farming’.  This week I’d like the children to learn about farms, what lives/grows on them.  There is a lovely story about Grandad’s farm which you can read to the children and which will give lots of things to discuss.  Don’t worry if you can’t print these off the activities below, you could just use one of the jotters or paper and use these as a guide. Maybe you already know people who live on farms, or the children know a little about farms already.  Whatever their knowledge it’s good to develop this further.  I’ve also added a few farming activities on to the Education City (P2 Science activities folder).

Remember you can do as much or as little of the Learning Timetable as you like, it’s really just a guide.

I hope you enjoy this week.

Take care and stay safe.

Ms Gavin x

Timetable home learning 11.5.2020






Design a farm-map-cut-and-stick-activity-english_ver_4





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